Marquise Technologies’ new version of ICE Player for the QC and real-time playback of broadcast, digital cinema and OTT industry standards now works on regular desktop systems.

Marquise ice gui

Marquise Technologies’ ICE Prime, a new version of the ICE Player for the QC and real-time playback of broadcast, digital cinema and OTT industry standards, now works on regular desktop systems.

As a reference player, ICE Prime has new specialised tools for monitoring 4K HDR and NGA (Next Generation Audio) media on any kind of device including a computer screen, reference monitor or DCI projector. A timeline with display of video, audio, subtitle tracks, markers and reels gives a full overview of the content, including complex media packages. 

A CIE Chromaticity diagram, histogram, waveform and vectorscope are also part of the toolbox for image analysis in a variety of colour spaces, including ACES and REC 2020. On the audio side is a full set of meters for Loudness measurement (EBU R128), Phase and peak controls. 

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Text lines and Spotting List metadata are displayed to facilitate subtitles and captions checking. A Spotting List contains the actual subtitles together with the in and out times and calculated duration. The software’s support for timed text includes embedded subtitles and captions. 

ICE Prime can be used to generate a wide variety of automatic file-based QC reports, making it useful as an assistant player when monitoring the list of errors. 

This new desktop version of ICE Prime meets the requirements of many post-production facilities by combining affordable licensing, per seat or per site, combined with lower hardware requirements and ease of use. ICE Prime supports NDI 5 as well, integrating into a wide range of use cases for teams working from home, on-premise or in a cloud environment. 

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“For any facility working with media, ICE Prime Desktop Reference Player answers many requests we have had from the industry for software that is easily deployed, wherever the media is, and able to QC advanced formats natively via a simple user interface,” said Laurence Stoll, CEO at Marquise Technologies. “Far fewer facilities are willing to work in silos now and need to cover a wider range of formats from production to distribution with a single player.”