Quantum StorNext 6.4 Eases Access to Cloud Content, Speeds Retrieval

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The Quantum StorNext file system and data management software is now updated with functions making cloud content more accessible, and with faster read and write speeds for cloud and object store-based storage. The software can be used to set up hybrid-cloud and multiple-cloud storage applications that make data intensive environments more flexible, in particular for media and entertainment but also genomics, academic research, video surveillance, oil and gas and security.

StorNext 6.4 software incorporates self-describing objects to make cloud content easier to access when setting up a hybrid-cloud workflow. Once the client writes files into the StorNext file system, the software copies files to the public or private cloud based on policy, with the option to include custom object metadata that describes their contents.

Files can be tracked and indexed without using external software or databases, and searched without previous knowledge of a file’s internal structure or what applications were used to create it. In other words, by giving files context, users can perform analytics directly on the data, and non-StorNext software clients and cloud-resident processes may now access objects directly.

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Multi-threaded put/get operations in StorNext now accelerate retrieval to and from large object stores and the cloud, depending on the size of objects and other factors. In systems that limit single stream object performance, these operations help improve performance overall.

New functionality to improve resiliency of large tape archives, StorNext Dynamic Library Pooling, uses multiple libraries for performance and redundancy, including scale-out tape with vertical libraries like Quantum’s Scalar i6 tape library. Users can also rotate their file stores to different libraries to increase availability.

StorNext 6.4 software adds support for Amazon Glacier Deep Archive to its earlier integrations with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and others. Relevant applications for Deep Archive are raw production footage, and clickstreams and ad delivery logs from online advertising. Data is stored across at least three AWS Availability Zones, can be retrieved in 12 hours or less, at a price intended to compete with off-premises tape archive services.

Quantum first showed StorNext 6.4 software at VirtualQ | NAB, a virtual video event Quantum held from 12 to14 May 2020.  www.quantum.com