DMW Awards Partner


DMW Awards Silver

Imagine Communications - Nexio NewsCraft


Nexio NewsCraft™ is a modernized approach to the production of news. Built on Imagine’s long heritage in content creation and storage, this is an all-in-one, UHD-ready media asset management solution that enables broadcasters to work smarter and more efficiently. Its software-compliant architecture makes it completely ready for cloud deployment and for remote work. Whether a reporter in the field or an editor working from home, there is no faster way to get the news on air.

Imagine talked to news broadcasters around the world to understand their requirements. Commercial news channels, national networks and public service broadcasters all agreed that the ability to get news to viewers as quickly as possible is paramount and adds real value to their operations.

As broadcasters have told us, speed is of the essence in the newsroom. But the reputation of the broadcaster demands that the story be told in a way which engages the viewer, clearly explains the context of the events, and above all is accurate ― building trust and loyalty in the audience. Nexio NewsCraft is a new-generation news production system designed to precisely meet these goals.

Nexio NewsCraft provides a feature-rich and intuitive toolkit in a single, highly automated environment that streamlines news production from ingest and content management to playout and delivery over multiple platforms. Based on proven open standards throughout, Nexio NewsCraft operates seamlessly in hybrid SDI/IP architectures, interfaces tightly with newsroom computer systems (NRCS) via a fully implemented MOS interface, and allows access to systems in the newsroom, in the field or from home. This seamless integration respects legacy capital investment and allows NewsCraft to be a part of a technology transition at the pace set by the broadcaster.

It incorporates best-of-breed components in highly integrated software. It combines the field-proven performance and reliability of Nexio® production servers and IOX shared storage from Imagine with the modern, easy-to-use web-based GUI and best-in-class media management capabilities of the EditShare FLOW family.

Multiple software tools can be layered on the server architecture, giving wide and fast access to content and empowering journalists by removing technical and operational constraints. Simple browse controls in the journalist’s workstation allow basic newsroom tasks like topping and tailing, shot-listing and logging, all through intuitive web user interfaces. This enables the core tools to be available to users wherever they are, provided they have an internet connection. For instance, journalists on location can prepare stories remotely in a cafe or hotel room, and editors and producers working in the newsroom or from home can pick up any story and progress it to completion.

Where more sophisticated editing is required, Nexio NewsCraft is fully integrated with popular third-party tools like Adobe® Premiere® Pro and DaVinci Resolve, ensuring fast access and seamless content flow from ingest to delivery and transparent sharing of projects between editors.

Artificial intelligence tools like automated metadata extraction and video analysis can be added to increase productivity. Better metadata, search functionality and access not only allow the newsroom to create more authoritative and engaging stories, but also open up the archive as a potential revenue stream.

Building a reliable system also involves the integrity of the vital assets that flow through it. NewsCraft embraces rights access administration with granular user and group permissions. Configurable approvals assist in governing key check-points when managing the movement of media between groups and air-readiness stages.

For users, workflows are clear and simple. Efficiency in design and daily use accelerates the time to air, while minimising the potential for human errors. Accuracy is not just a legal concern for news broadcasters, but also a reputational issue: building brand loyalty amongst the audience by getting the right information to them at the right time.

Nexio NewsCraft is fully scalable, capable of meeting the needs of any broadcast newsroom up to the very largest. Whether leveraging the elasticity of the cloud or tailoring on-prem technology, implementation is simple, and the result is much greater efficiency in the production process. It is UHD-ready, allowing broadcasters to transition when needed, while still retaining all of the value of existing HD workflows and archive material.
Nexio NewsCraft represents a full-featured, elegant solution that allows broadcasters to deliver better news content, faster ― building trust and loyalty in the audience at a competitive price point.