Autodesk shotgrid department view

Autodesk ShotGrid production management software now has new Resource Planning views to help producers and management teams improve their scheduling workflows. When teams need to quickly scale for growing workloads, Resource Planning views can be used to visualise and optimise artist resources across the studio, projects and departments at a high level.

"Resource Planning gives producers and managers the ability to view their projects from a different angle and react more quickly to the continuous changes arising during production,” said Warren Trezevant, senior product manager, ShotGrid.

Using the live data available in ShotGrid, the new Resource Planning views identify areas where artists are overloaded or underutilised, and help rebalance work and optimise team performance. Users can allocate artists’ work for efficiency, and set budgets and timeframes more accurately.

Autodesk shotgrid dept detail people

The high-level view displays an overview of a studio’s artist capacity and workload across all projects and departments. The view shows when and where artists can take on more work or when they have been assigned too much, and can drill down into the details with a few clicks.

Dynamic department and project views output a breakdown of artist resources and the work assigned. The breakdown visualises the data either by departments across all projects with the Department View, or by each individual project and their departments with the Project View.

Autodesk shotgrid heatmap

Looking into detailed views of an individual department or project identifies artists who are over or underutilised. By pulling up an overview of a given artist’s assigned tasks, the task assignments and schedules can be adjusted quickly with live data.

The views can also be customised for each separate studio need. By selecting custom start and end time ranges, users can analyse data in various chart types, configure how Workload is calculated and what it represents, and adjust the capacity on each person, including contracted time. These options give studios more flexibility.