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Vubiquity’s MetaVU simplifies content preparation by eliminating redundant manual tasks, and directly addressing inefficiency, metadata inconsistency and the need for faster time-to-market.

Vubiquity METAVU 1

Vubiquity’s MetaVU platform now includes updates that simplify content preparation by eliminating redundant manual tasks, and directly address operational inefficiency, metadata inconsistency and the need for faster time-to-market.

MetaVU is a centralised, cloud-based metadata management system that maintains straightforward workflows for Title, Rights and Avails Metadata for global distribution. It consolidates Metadata into a single source of truth that media companies can use to handle licensing, syndication and content delivery across diverse markets. AssetVU now extends MetaVU's capabilities by integrating asset management features.

MetaVU and AssetVU now feature secure proxy viewing with DRM encryption for efficient quality control, asset ingest and metadata management, and support for managing artwork alongside other assets in a unified system. Integrations with third-party databases such as the EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) help to increase Metadata accuracy and establish a reliable single source of truth. The result is a faster means of monetising content libraries, and marked improvement in how content owners, distributors and media companies manage both metadata and assets within a single, integrated platform.

Dana Forte, SVP Product Management & Strategic Partnerships, Vubiquity said, "As a centralised platform that streamlines workflows and eliminates redundancies, MetaVU helps media companies to control their content libraries more effectively, while reducing operational bottlenecks. These updates mean organisations can do more with less – optimising their resources to deliver content faster and find new monetisation opportunities."

Unifying Metadata and Asset Management

Under pressure to optimise workflows and deliver faster, media companies must often deal with fragmented systems, inconsistent metadata and resource-heavy processes that slow down time-to-market and monetisation. The enhancements to MetaVU and AssetVU address these challenges by improving content readiness, which means organisations are prepared to scale operations while they focus on monetising their libraries through licensing agreements, syndication partnerships and new distribution strategies.

Vubiquity localisation

With EIDR integration, MetaVU becomes a reference for accurate licensing, syndication and distribution. By ensuring metadata consistency, media companies can establish licensing across territories and find opportunities through better content visibility and discoverability.

AssetVU’s upgraded proxy functionality now allows users to perform quality control (QC) directly through the platform, previewing complete assets securely without taking time for downloads. Content is protected throughout via comprehensive DRM encryption.

The software automates content ingest processes like asset validation, metadata assignment and proxy creation. By integrating with other systems, it avoids repetitive manual uploads and checks, and intelligent error detection finds inconsistencies in real time, reducing delays.

AssetVU now accommodates diverse asset types, including marketing Artwork and various localised versions of content, further centralising all of an organisation’s content-related materials.