Offroad Films uses Wiredrive cloud media-sharing service to create and present showreels and pitch reels to clients and as a centralised collaboration and content management tool.

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Producer Khalil Bachooali founded Offroad Films in Mumbai in 2011 with the goal of building an independent, creative production studio that merges artistic sensibilities with marketing acumen. Moving into commercials production and business films, the company has been recognised by multiple awards including four Lions Awards from Cannes International Festival of Creativity. 

Starting with the client brand and concept to fuel their creative spark, the Offroad Films team develops the best way to tell each project’s story, and chooses a director to visualise it for audiences. From there, the company’s skill and talent come to life in a film that is effective and engaging.

Past Work, Future Projects

For potential Offroad Films’ clients, gaining insight into the agency’s past productions and creative expertise becomes a valuable tool, demonstrating the agency’s storytelling skills and visual style, precision and flair. Conveying that message needs evidence in terms of previous, similar projects and showreels from their varied roster of directors.

Since the company launched, Offroad Films has used Wiredrive cloud media-sharing service to create and present showreels to clients and to develop pitch reels. In particular, they find it practical for their directors’ showreels, using it to manage the showreel content from the freelance directors it uses on its many projects. The Wiredrive software is simple and its functionality, developed over more than 20 years, makes it useful as a centralised collaborative tool as well as a means of sharing content and delivering attractive, descriptive showreels.

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User-Defined Searching and Sharing

Originally developed by Shift Media and now owned by EditShare, Wiredrive creates a common store for the user’s business assets, and includes an organisation layer with which to search, tag and filter the archive. Because the users define their own parameters in the asset management layer, the tags are more appropriate and searches locate required content faster than arbitrary tags.

In turn, building and sharing customised, branded presentations is easier. Although each pitch and presentation is tailored for a specific target, it can be created in a few moments. Meanwhile, the agency’s corporate branding is maintained in every showreel.

Distribution is managed and secured through Wiredrive as well, controlling the destination of the media and who receives it. Analytics can be applied that track the audience and monitors media impact.


On the collaboration side, workspaces are defined for each project where all of its assets are managed in one space. Comments and approvals are logged and time-stamped, serving as a sign-off trail. The delivery capabilities mean that remote collaborators are part of the same workflow, and are able to share work instantly with the rest of the project team.

“Showreels were the main reason to bring in Wiredrive,” said Rebecca Maria, Administrative Head at Offroad Films. “But as time has gone on, use cases have accumulated.” Today, each new production is allocated a workspace in Wiredrive to act as the hub for all content. As the team grows, with freelance and house staff, they are given access to the project workspace, where they can see progress and track assets.

“Typically, our associate producers are responsible for managing the content,” Rebecca said. “They will build up and share material, from the first location research all the way to finished content.

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A Flexible Tool

“We also use Wiredrive to share specific content. For instance, when we are briefing freelancers, we can create a showreel showing the feel of what we are aiming to achieve in a film, so they know how their particular skill or craft needs to fit in.”

Due to the flexibility of the software, all stages of the project use Wiredrive to be more efficient. It starts in pre-production, through shooting and post, and then marketing and distribution. Because each project that Offroad undertakes is different, each team will use Wiredrive in its own way to keep the team up to speed and deliver the project on time.

When the project is complete, the finished films are added to the Wiredrive archive. There, they are ready to be used in future showreels.